We have compiled a list of common questions that people visiting our site for the first time keep asking. We have gathered the answers in the same place, saving you time and making your stay on our site productive and convenient.
Is there any kind of money back guarantee on your paper writing service?
Firstly, our entire platform, including our writers, Q/A team, and customer support, is dedicated to providing the best service possible.
With every order, you get free of charge unlimited revisions if you believe something needs to be changed, which our Q/A team then checks. If you believe something was not satisfactorily resolved, we offer you the chance to work with another essay writer or get your money back.
If you have any other questions about paper writing or want to find someone to write my essay for me, we provide 24/7 customer support. So get in touch!
Where Would I Find You If I needed a Face-to-Face Meeting?
We are based out in the U.S. but we exclusively offer all our services online. Our customers are mainly from the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. But we also serve those from other countries which use English for their assignments. It may not be possible to have physical face-to-face meetings with our coaches. That is because they are always busy. Besides, we do not feel that is the most efficient way to serve our customers. However, you can have virtual meetings with them if you consider that to be necessary for order processing. The customers we serve tend to be online people who are completely ok with getting attended to online.
Do You Have in Place a Clear Refund Policy?
Yes. Please read it here. It is a clear and straightforward money-back policy.
Can I add any essay writing details after the order was already placed?
Once you ask someone to write my essay, the writing process will be marked as “In Progress.” However, at any time, you can still provide updates to your specialist. Simply go to “View Details,” then click on “Description” and add further comments or instructions. Your paper writer will see them straight away and incorporate the changes or new requirements into your paper.
You can also upload additional files to your do my essay for me order with ease. Simply click on:
1. My Orders
2. Order Title
3. View Details
4. Files
5. Upload File
Remember, the more information your writer has, the better they can deliver your request. We strive to be the best paper writing service but can only deliver based on your instructions.
Who Writes My Paper?
Our pool of professional academic writers comes from diverse academic fields. That means we almost always have a writer ready for you any time you need help. The least educated writer on the staff holds a bachelor’s degree. A significant number of our writers have a Master’s or a doctoral degree. Actually, some are professors teaching in recognized U.S. universities. The person who gets your paper is always a subject expert who has written in your field for years. Everyone on the staff has mastered the scientific method and the academic writing style and produces work than wins grades.
Will my essay writer follow my paper instructions?
Yes, absolutely! When you first sign up, you get a personal order form where you’ll be able to provide all instructions and attach any files your writer needs for successful essay writing.
Additionally, you will be able to chat with your essay writer, discuss any specific details or ask any questions.
Are all Your Writers Native English Speakers?
No, but most are. However, we do not hesitate to use excellent writers from other countries that use English as their official language. That said, you can always specify the kind of writer you want. Regardless of who you choose, you can expect perfect work.
Are All Assignments Treated Equally Regardless of Complexity?
No. Since different orders come with different requirements, we treat each order differently. Some orders are rather simple while others can be quite complex. A high school history paper would be a relatively easy order while a college-level engineering paper would be a complex order. We consider accounting, finance, architecture, engineering, biology, IT, math, chemistry, physics, statistics, and computer science to be complex orders. Any order that falls outside of these disciplines is usually a regular order. The price points for complex orders may differ appreciably from what normal orders attract. Further, different levels of study mean different price points. For example, a high school student gets services at lower rates than a doctoral candidate.
How Do I Get My Instructions to the Writer Who Will Write My Order?
This should be easy as you can communicate directly with the writer who will handle your order. All communication between you and the writer must happen on or through our website, though. You should try to be online most of the time just in case the writer has questions they would want you to answer.
Does Your Paper Writing Service have any features?
Yes! When you order essays from our essay writing service, we don’t just write an essay, we also include the following features, absolutely free:
• Plagiarism report
• Personal chat with paper writer
• Unlimited Revisions
• Title Page
• Formatting
• Best writer
• Outline